BIONICLE #16: Toa Metru! is the sixteenth issue of the BIONICLE comic series.
Extra Content
The inside front cover provides brief backstory. The centerfold contains information about the Toa Metru. A back page promotes new content on coming in February.
It also promotes the BIONICLE Instant Win Game, wherein every Toa Metru package contains a Kanoka card which has a chance of winning a prize. The grand prize is an Ultimate Gaming System with a $4,800 value. There are 500 1st prizes, which are a Gold Kanoka Disk. There are 50,000 2nd prizes, which are the complete BIONICLE comics collection.
Another back page contains a chart for keeping track of Kanoka disk codes, as well as information about interpreting those codes. Another back page contains more details about the meaning of the codes. The back cover advertises the BIONICLE books from Scholastic.
The Ta-Matoran that Vakama meets in Comic 16 by the molten protodermis vat is not Kapura.1
The Ta-Matoran at the vat is not Nuhrii. Rany drew the Matoran all with the same masks because he did not have access to movie animation and didn't know what masks they would be wearing.2
The two Rahkshi shown behind Whenua in Comic 16 are orange and yellow.3
The Rahkshi in Comic 16 do not have staffs. They escaped from a stasis tube in the Archives, and Matoran did not cage a Rahkshi with its staff so that it would have it if it esacped.4
Greg said the level of Kanoka that Nuhrii shoots at the Morbuzakh vine in Comic 16 is probably a 6 or 7.5 However, this contradicts BIONICLE Adventures #1: Mystery of Metru Nui, which says it is level 5.