BIONICLE Encyclopedia
Here you will find a comprehensive guide to the world of BIONICLE. Please note that it is very much a work in progress. You can track its state of completion on the status page.
Official Terms
- acid shield
- Ackar
- adaptive armor
- aero slicers
- Aft
- Agni
- Agori
- Agori (Language)
- Ahkmou
- Air
- air katana
- air launcher
- air saber
- airship
- air sword
- Airwatcher
- airweed
- Aiyetoro
- Akaku
- Akaku Nuva
- Akamai
- Akamai Nuva
- Akamu
- Aki
- akilini
- Aki Nuva
- Ally
- alternate universe
- Amaja circle
- Amaja-Nui
- Amana Volo sphere
- Amaya
- Amphibax
- Ancient
- Angonce
- Annona
- antidermis
- Antroz
- Aodhan
- aqua axes
- aqua blaster blade
- Aqua Magna
- aquatic power blade
- aqua warblade
- Archives
- Archives Beast
- Archives Massacre
- Archives mole
- Arena Magna
- Arktinen
- Artakha (Being)
- Artakha (Island)
- Artakha bull
- Arthron
- Artidax
- ash bear
- assembler's village
- Atakus
- Atero
- Av
- Avak
- avalanche spear
- Av-Matoran
- Avohkah
- Avohkii
- Avsa
- Axalara T9
- axe
- Axonn
- Azibo
- Ba
- Bahrag
- Balta
- Ba-Matoran
- Bara Magna
- Baranus V7
- barbed broadsword
- Barraki
- Baterra
- Battle of Atero
- Battle of Iron Canyon
- Battle of Roxtus
- Berix
- bio
- Bionicle
- Bitil
- Black Spike Mountains
- Black Water, The
- blade burrower
- blaster drill
- blazer claws
- blizzard blade
- Bo
- Boggarak
- bog snake
- Bohrok
- Bohrok Kaita
- Bohrok-Kal
- Bohrok-Kal Kaita
- Bohrok-Kal Kaita Ja
- Bohrok-Kal Kaita Za
- Bohrok nest
- Bohrok Va
- Bohrok Va Kaita
- Bo-Kal, Krana
- Bo, Krana
- Bo-Matoran
- Bomonga
- Bone Hunters
- Bone Hunters Camp
- Bone Hunters Stronghold
- Book of Certavus
- Bordakh
- Boreas
- Bota Magna
- Botar
- Bour
- boxor
- Brakas
- Branar
- Brander
- Brotherhood of Makuta
- Brutaka
- Bula
- Burnak
- burning chains
- cable crawler
- Cahdok
- Ca-Kal, Krana
- Ca, Krana
- Calix
- Canyon of Unending Whispers
- Cape of No Hope
- Carapar
- caravan crawler
- catapult scorpion
- cave fish
- cave shrike
- Ce
- Ce-Matoran
- Cendox V1
- Certavus
- Chamber of Death
- Chamber of Life
- Chamber of Truth
- Charger
- chargers
- Charred Jungle
- Chiara
- Chief Archivist
- Chirox
- Chronicler
- Chronicler's Staff
- chute lurker
- chutes
- Chutespeak
- Chute Station 445
- claw clubs
- Click
- cliff screecher
- Cliff Village
- climbing chain
- climbing claws
- Codrex
- Coliseum
- colony drone
- Comet
- Conjurer
- Convocation
- Convocation Chamber
- Copper Mask of Victory
- Cordak blaster
- Cord, The
- Core War
- Council Chamber
- Council of Elders
- Crast
- Creep Canyon
- crescent scythe
- Crotesius
- crystal climber
- Crystal Serpents
- crystal spikes
- Cu, Kraata-
- cyclone spear
- dagger spider
- Daikau
- Dalu
- Damek
- Dark Falls, The
- Dark Hunter-Brotherhood of Makuta War
- Dark Hunters
- Darkness
- Daxia
- De
- Defilak
- Dekar
- De-Koro
- De-Matoran
- dermis turtle
- desert leech
- Desert of Sorrows
- destiny
- Destiny War
- Destral
- Destral Cycle
- Devastator
- Devastator, The
- devourer
- Dezalk
- digger
- Dikapi
- disk
- disk dueling
- disk launcher
- Disk of Time
- disk racing
- doom viper
- Dormus, River
- Dosne
- dragon lizard
- Dreaming Plague
- drifts
- Drill of Onua
- drill staff
- dual-headed vapor trident
- Dume
- dune chariot
- dune snake
- Dunes of Treason
- dune spider
- dust darter
- Dweller
- Dweller in the Deep
- Earth
- earth claw
- earth shield
- earthshock drills
- Earth Tribe
- eccentric boulder
- eccentric rock
- echo forks
- Ehlek
- Ehrye
- Elbow Peak
- Elda
- electric shield
- electrified chains
- electro-blade
- electro chute blade
- electro-rocket
- element
- elemental energy
- elemental power
- Element Lord of Earth
- Element Lord of Fire
- Element Lord of Ice
- Element Lord of Jungle
- Element Lord of Rock
- Element Lord of Sand
- Element Lord of Water
- Element Lords
- Eliminator
- energized flame sword
- energized ice sword
- energized protodermis
- Energized Protodermis Entity
- energy crossbow
- energy extraction rifle
- energy hound
- energy siphon blade
- ensign
- Epena
- Exo-Toa
- exsidian
- Fa
- fader bull
- Fall, The
- Fa-Matoran
- fang blades
- Fau Swamp
- Faxon
- Fe
- feet additions
- Felnas
- Fe-Matoran
- Fenrakk
- Fenrakk spawn
- Fero
- Field of Mist
- Fields of Air
- Fields of Construction
- Fikou
- Fikou Web
- fin barbs
- Fire
- fire blade (Ackar)
- fire blade (Raanu)
- Firedracax
- fire drone
- fire entity
- fireflyer
- fire greatswords
- Fire Pits
- fireroot
- fire shield
- firestaff
- fire sword
- Fire Tribe
- firework revolver
- flame claws
- flame sword
- force blaster
- force sphere
- Forest of Blades
- fork-shaped staff
- Fortress, The
- Fountains of Wisdom
- frost beetle
- Frostelus
- frost leech
- furnace salamander
- Fusa
- Ga
- Gaaki
- Gaardus
- Gadjati
- Gadunka (Enlarged)
- Gadunka (Species)
- Gafna
- Gahdok
- Gahlok
- Gahlok-Kal
- Gahlok Va
- Ga-Kini
- Ga-Koro
- Gali
- Gali Nuva
- Gali's Bay
- Ga-Matoran
- Ga-Metru
- Gar
- Garai
- Garan
- Ga-Suva
- Gate Guardian
- Gatherer
- Gatherers Hideout
- Gatherers Ridge
- Gavla
- Ga-Wahi
- Gelu
- Ghekula
- Gladiator
- Glatorian
- Glatorian Creed
- gnomon
- Goko-Kahu
- golden armor
- Gold Kanohi
- Gold Mask
- Golyo
- Gorast
- Graalok
- Gravity
- gravity shield
- Great Archives
- Great Barrier
- Great Beings
- Great Cataclysm
- Great Disks
- Great Disruption
- Great Furnace
- Great Gateway
- Great Hau Gateway
- Great Kanohi
- Great Mask
- Great Mine
- Great Rescue
- Great Sea
- Great Spirit
- Great Takara
- Great Temple
- Great Temple squid
- Great Tournament
- Great Ussal Race
- Great Volcano
- Green Belt
- Green, The
- Gresh
- griffin gauntlet
- Guardian
- Guard, Po-Koro
- Guard, Ta-Koro
- Gukko
- Gukko Bird Force
- Guurahk
- Hafu
- Hagah plasma cannon
- Hahli
- Hahnah
- Hakann
- Hand of Artakha
- Hapaka
- Hau
- Hau Nuva
- heartlight
- Heart of the Visorak
- heatstone
- Helryx
- Helryx swamp strider
- herald
- herding blade
- Heremus
- Hewkii
- Hiatus
- Hikaki
- hive
- Hoi
- hooks
- Hordika
- Hordika Dragons
- Hordika teeth
- Hordika venom
- Hoto
- Hot Springs
- Huai Snowball Sling
- Huki
- Huna
- Hura-Mafa River
- Husi
- Hydraxon (Dekar)
- Hydraxon (Original)
- hydro blades
- Hydruka
- Icarax
- Ice
- ice axe (Metus)
- ice axe (Strakk)
- ice bat
- ice blade
- ice pick
- Ice Pick of Nuju
- ice shield (Kohrak)
- ice shield (Kopaka)
- ice slicer
- ice sword
- Ice Tribe
- ice vermin
- Iconox
- Iden
- Idris
- Ignalu
- Ignika
- Ihu
- Ihu, Mount
- impact crystal launcher
- infected Kanohi
- infected mask
- Infernavika
- Irnakk
- Iron
- Iron Canyon
- Iron Tribe
- iron wolf
- Iruini
- Ja-Kal, Krana
- Ja, Krana
- Jaa
- Jaatikko
- Jala
- Jaller
- Jerbraz
- Jetrax T6
- Johmak
- Jovan
- judgement cannon
- Jungle
- jungle shield
- Jungle Tribe
- Jutlin
- Ka
- Kabrua
- Kadin
- Kahgarak
- Kahu
- Kai
- Kailani
- Kaj
- Kakama
- Kakama Nuva
- Kalama
- Kalmah
- Kamen
- Kanae Bay
- Kanae, Lake
- Kane-Ra
- Kanohi
- Kanohi Dragon
- Kanohi Nuva
- Kanoka
- Kanoka blade
- Kanoka launcher
- Kanoka launcher, Vakama's
- Kanoka toss
- Kantai
- Kapura
- Karda Nui
- Kardas
- Karzahni (Being)
- Karzahni (Location)
- Karzahni (Plant)
- Kaukau
- Kaukau Nuva
- Kau Kau Staff
- Kavinika
- Kaxium V2
- Kaxium V3
- Kazi
- Keahi
- Keelerak
- Keerakh
- Keetongu
- Keras
- Kestora
- Kewa
- Keystone
- Kiina
- Kikanalo
- Kingdom of the Great Spirit
- king root
- Kini
- Kini-Nui
- Kinloka
- kio
- Kirbold
- Kirbraz
- Kirikori Nui
- Kiril
- Kirop
- Kivi
- Klakk
- Knee Island
- knowledge crystal
- Knowledge Towers
- Ko
- Kodan
- Kodan ball
- Kodan ball (Akilini)
- Kofo-Jaga
- Kohrak
- Kohrak-Kal
- Kohrak Va
- Kojol
- Ko-Kini
- Kokkan
- Ko-Koro
- kolhii
- kolhii ball
- kolhii shield
- kolhii staff
- kolhii stick
- Koli
- Koli ball
- Kollorak
- Ko-Matoran
- Komau
- Ko-Metru
- Kongu
- Kopaka
- Kopaka Nuva
- Kopeke
- Koro
- Ko-Suva
- Kotu
- Ko-Wahi
- Kraahkan
- Kraahu
- Kraata
- Kraata-Cu
- Kraata-Kal
- Kraata-Ul
- Kraata-Vo
- Kraata-Xi
- Kraata-Ye
- Kraata-Za
- Kraawa
- Krahka
- Krahka (Species)
- Krakua
- Kralhi
- krana
- Krana Bo
- Krana Bo-Kal
- Krana Ca
- Krana Ca-Kal
- Krana Ja
- Krana Ja-Kal
- Krana-Kal
- Krana Su
- Krana Su-Kal
- Krana Vu
- Krana Vu-Kal
- Krana Xa
- Krana Xa-Kal
- Krana Yo
- Krana Yo-Kal
- Krana Za
- Krana Za-Kal
- Kranua
- Krekka
- Krika
- Kualsi
- Kualus
- Kuma-Nui
- Kumo
- Kumu Islets
- Kuna
- Kurahk
- Kylma
- Kyrehx
- Kyry
- lagoon entry
- Lake Kanae
- Lake Naho
- Lake of Fire
- lake of protodermis
- Lake Pala
- Lariska
- laser axe
- laser crossbow
- laser drill
- laser harpoon
- laser lance
- lava ape
- lavaboard
- lava chamber gate
- lava crawler
- lava eel
- Lava Falls
- lava farm
- lava hawk
- Lava Lagoon
- Lava Lake
- lava rat
- lava spear
- Le
- League of Six Kingdoms
- Legendary Kanohi
- Legendary Mask
- Lehvak
- Lehvak-Kal
- Lehvak Va
- Lein
- Lein's Drift
- Le-Kini
- Le-Koro
- Le-Matoran
- Le-Metru
- Lerahk
- Lesovikk
- Le-Suva
- Leva Bay
- Lewa
- Le-Wahi
- Lewa Nuva
- Lhii
- Lhikan
- Lhikan
- Lhikan II
- lifeblade
- Light
- lightfish
- Lightning
- lightstone
- lightstone mine tower
- lightstone rifle
- lightvine
- liquid protodermis
- Lohrak
- Lohrak (Chirox's species)
- longfang
- Lost Land
- Lumi
- Lurker
- Macku
- Madu
- Madu Cabolo
- Maglya
- magma swords
- magnetic bolt launcher
- magnetic shield
- Magnetism
- Mahi
- Mahiki
- Mahri Nui
- Mahri Nui Fortress
- Mahri Rock
- Makani
- Makika
- Makoki Stone
- Maku
- Maku's Canoes
- Makuta
- Makuta fish
- Makuta-Nui
- Malum
- Mamru
- Mana Ko
- Manas
- Mangaia
- Mangai Lava Falls
- Mangai Volcano
- Mantax
- Manutri
- Marendar
- Marka
- Marn Tunnels
- mask maker
- Mask of Adaptation
- Mask of Aging
- Mask of Biomechanics
- Mask of Charisma
- Mask of Clairvoyance
- Mask of Conjuring
- Mask of Creation
- Mask of Elemental Energy
- Mask of Emulation
- Mask of Fusion
- Mask of Growth
- Mask of Incomprehension
- Mask of Intangibility
- Mask of Life
- Mask of Light
- Mask of Mutation
- Mask of Possibilities
- Mask of Power
- Mask of Psychometry
- Mask of Rahi Control
- Mask of Rebounding
- Mask of Scavenging
- Mask of Sensory Aptitude
- Mask of Undeath
- Mata Nui (Being)
- Mata Nui (Island)
- Mata Nui cow
- Mata Nui fishing bird
- Matatu
- Matau
- Matoran
- Matoran alphabet
- Matoran Civil War
- Matoran Cliff Village
- Matoran Council
- Matoran Council Chamber
- Matoran Fortress
- Matoran Holy Sanctuary
- Matoran Kaita
- Matoran (Language)
- Matoran Nui
- Matoran Resistance
- Matoran sphere
- Matoran universe
- Matoran Village
- Matoro
- Matoro's Rahi
- Mavrah
- Maxilos
- Maxilos (Series)
- Mazeka
- Maze Valley
- mega-city
- Melding, The
- memory crystal
- Metru
- Metru mantis
- Metru Nui
- Metru Nui Ministry of Tourism
- Metus
- Midak
- Midak skyblaster
- Mimic
- Minion
- mio
- Miru
- Miru Nuva
- Miserix
- Mistika
- Mizuni rotors
- Moa
- Mohtrek
- molten protodermis
- Morak
- Morbuzakh
- Motara Desert
- Moto-Hub
- Mountain, The
- mountain striker
- Mount Ihu
- Mount Valmai
- Muaka
- multi-resistant shield
- Mutant Ussal
- Mutran
- Naho
- Naho Bay
- Naho, Lake
- Naming Day
- nektann (robot)
- Nektann
- Ngalawa
- Niazesk
- Nidhiki
- Nidhiki Beach
- night creeper
- Nightmare Chamber
- Nikila
- Nireta
- Nivawk
- Nixie
- Noble Kanohi
- Noble Mask
- Nocturn
- Nokama
- Norik
- Northern Continent
- Northern Frost
- North March
- Notch, The
- nova blast
- Nuhrii
- Nuhvok
- Nuhvok-Kal
- Nuhvok Va
- Nui Caves
- Nui-Jaga
- Nui-Kopen
- Nui-Rama
- Nui Stone
- Nuju
- Nuparu
- Nuurakh
- Nuva Cube
- Nuva Symbols
- Nynrah
- Nynrah Ghost blaster
- Nynrah Ghosts
- Octo Cave
- Odina
- Okoth
- Olisi
- Olmak
- Onepu
- Onewa
- Onu
- Onua
- Onua Nuva
- Onu-Kini
- Onu-Koro
- Onu-Matoran
- Onu-Metru
- Onu-Suva
- Onu-Wahi
- Oohnorak
- Orde
- Order of Mata Nui
- organic Kanohi
- organic mask
- Orkahm
- Pahrak
- Pahrak-Kal
- Pahrak Va
- Pakari
- Pakari Nuva
- Pakastaa
- Pala, Lake
- Panrahk
- Papa Nihu Reef
- Parakrekks
- parallel universe
- Path of Prophecies
- Pehkui
- Pekka
- Pelagia
- Perditus
- Pewku
- Phantoka
- Phantom
- phase dragon
- Photok
- Piatra
- Pillars of Salt
- Piraka
- Piraka outpost
- Piraka stronghold
- Piruk
- Pit, The
- Pit war tortoise
- Place of Shadow
- Plan, The
- Plant Life
- Plasma
- plasma shield
- Po
- pocket dimension
- Podu
- Pohatu
- Pohatu Nuva
- Poison
- Pokawi
- Po-Kini
- Po-Koro
- Po-Koro Guard
- Po-Matoran
- Po-Metru
- Po-Suva
- Pouks
- Po-Wahi
- power carvers
- power lance
- power sword
- Pridak
- Primal
- Prime Glatorian
- Prison of the Dark Hunters
- Protocairn
- Protodax
- protodermis
- protodermis basin
- protodermis canals
- Protodermis Falls
- protodermis lab
- protodermis purification
- Protodermis Reclamation Center
- Protodermis Reclamation Furnace
- Protodermis Reclamation Yard
- protodermis sea
- protodermis warehouse
- protodite
- proto drake
- proto pitons
- protosteel
- protosteel talons
- Prototype
- Psionics
- Puku
- pulse bolt generators
- quake breakers
- Quarry
- Raanu
- Radiak
- Rahaga
- Rahi
- Rahi Beasts
- Rahi Nui
- Rahkshi
- Rahkshi Kaita
- Rahkshi Kaita Vo
- Rahkshi Kaita Za
- Ranama
- Rau
- Ravager
- razor-edged protosteel shield
- razorfish
- razor whale
- Razor Whale's Teeth
- Recorder
- red serpent
- Red Star
- Reidak
- repellers
- Reysa
- Rhotuka
- Rhotuka catcher claw
- Rhotuka launcher
- Rising
- Rock
- rock lion
- Rockoh T3
- rock raptor
- rock steed
- Rock Tribe
- rock worm
- Rode
- Roodaka
- Roporak
- Rorzakh
- rotating fire blade
- Roxtus
- Rua
- Rua Nuva
- Ruki
- Ruru
- Safe Hour
- Sahmad
- Sanctuary, The
- Sanctum
- Sanctum Guard
- Sand
- sand bat
- Sandray Canyon
- sand screamer
- sand snipe
- sand stalker
- sand Tarakava
- Sand Tribe
- Sanok
- Sanso
- Sarda
- Savage
- saw blade shield
- Scarabax
- scarab shield
- school
- Scodonius
- Sculpture Fields
- Sea of Liquid Sand
- sea of protodermis
- sea sled (Lesovikk)
- sea sled (Toa Terrain Crawler)
- sea spider
- sea squid
- Second Glatorian
- Sector Three
- Seeker
- seeking
- seismic spear
- Sentrakh
- Seventh Toa
- Shadow
- Shadowed One, The
- Shadow Kraata
- shadow leech
- Shadow Matoran
- Shadow Plague
- Shadow Stealer
- Shadow Toa
- shallows cat
- shark tooth blade
- Shasa
- Shattering, The
- Shelek
- shore turtle
- shredder claws
- Shu
- Sidorak
- Silence
- silver chute spider
- silver Krana-Kal
- silver sea
- Sisters of the Skrall
- Skakdi
- Skirmix
- Skopio
- Skopio XV-1
- Skrall
- Skrall Arena
- Skrall River
- Skull Mountain
- skyboard
- skyfighter
- sky sled
- sky villages
- snake venom talon
- Solek
- solid protodermis
- Solis Magna
- Sonics
- sonic shield
- Southern Continent
- southern islands
- Spear of Fusion
- Spherus Magna
- spider crab
- spiked club
- Spikit
- Spinax
- spine slug
- Spinner
- spiny stone ape
- Spiriah
- spirit star
- squid
- Squid Cave
- squid launcher
- Staff of Artakha
- staff of command
- staff of confusion
- Staff of Darkness
- staff of erasing
- Staff of Light
- staff of loyalty
- Staff of Power
- staff of presence
- staff of suggestion
- stasis tube
- Stelt
- stinger tail
- stinger whale
- Stone
- stone hammer
- stone rat
- stone shield
- Strakk
- Stronius
- stun staff
- Su
- Subterranean
- subterranean worm
- sub-zero spear
- Su-Kal, Krana
- Su, Krana
- Suletu
- Su-Matoran
- Surel
- Suukorak
- suva
- Suva-Kaita
- swamp stalker
- swamp strider
- Swamp, The
- Ta
- tablet of transit
- Tahnok
- Tahnok-Kal
- Tahnok Va
- Tahtorak
- Tahtorak (Species)
- Tahu
- Tahu Nuva
- Taiki
- Taipu
- Tajun
- Takadox
- Takanuva
- Takea
- Ta-Kini
- Ta-Koro
- Ta-Koro Guard
- Taku
- Takua
- Takua's Trade Goods
- Takutanuva
- Talvi
- Tamaru
- Tamaru's Transports
- Ta-Matoran
- Ta-Metru
- Tanma
- Tarakava
- Tarakava Nui
- Tarduk
- Tarix
- Ta-Suva
- Ta-Wahi
- Tehutti
- Telluris
- Teridax
- Tesara
- Tesara Arena
- Test Track
- Thok
- Thornatus V9
- Thornax
- Thornax launcher
- Three Brothers Bridge
- Three Virtues, The
- Throne of Vision
- Thulox
- thumpers
- tidal spear
- Time Slip
- Tiribomba
- Tiro Canyon
- Toa
- Toa canister
- Toa code
- Toa Cordak
- Toa-Dark Hunter War
- Toa disk
- Toa Empire
- Toa Hagah
- Toa Hordika
- Toa Ignika
- Toa Inika
- Toa Kaita
- Toa Kaita Nuva
- Toa Mahri
- Toa Mangai
- Toa Mata
- Toa Metru
- Toa Nuva
- Toa power
- Toa seal
- Toa stone
- Toa Suva
- Toa team
- Toa Terrain Crawler
- Toa tool
- Tobduk
- Toudo
- Tower of Toa
- Towers of Thought
- Tracker
- transport cart
- treespeak
- Tren Krom
- Tren Krom Break
- Tren Krom Peninsula
- Tren Krom River
- Tridax
- Tridax pod
- Trident of Nokama
- Triglax
- Trinuma
- troller
- Tryna
- Tuma
- tunneler
- tunnel stalker
- Turaga
- Turaga Dume's box
- Turaga Dume's throne room
- Turaga Kaita
- Turaga Nui
- Turahk
- Tuuli
- Tuyet
- twilight blade
- twin-bladed blackfire sword
- twin cutter
- twin light staffs
- twin propellers
- twin suns
- two-headed Tarakava
- Tyrant
- Ul, Kraata-
- Umbra
- Underground Lab of the Great Beings
- Universe Core
- Ussal
- Ussal cart
- Ussalry
- Ussanui
- vacuum shield
- Vahi
- Vahki
- Vahki hive
- Vahki hunter
- Vahki transport
- Vakama
- Vakama's foundry
- Vako
- Valley of the Maze
- Valmai, Mount
- Vamprah
- Vanisher
- Varian
- Vastus
- Vatuka
- Velika
- Vengeance
- venom eel
- venom flyer
- Vezok
- Vezon
- Vhisola
- Vican
- Vira
- Visorak
- Visorak (Island)
- Visorak battle ram
- Visorak's gate
- Visorak watch tower
- Vo
- Vohon
- Vohtarak
- Vo, Kraata-
- Volitak
- Volo Lutu
- Volo tree
- Vo-Matoran
- Voporak
- Vorahk
- Vorox
- Vortixx
- Vortixx Rhotuka battle axe
- Vorzakh
- Voya Nui
- Voya Nui Bay
- Vuata Maca
- Vuata Maca crystal
- Vu-Kal, Krana
- Vu, Krana
- Vulcanus
- Vulcanus Lava Flow
- Vultraz
- Wahi
- Waikiru
- Wairuha
- Wairuha Nuva
- Wall of Champions
- Wall of History
- Wall of Prophecy
- Wasteland
- Water
- water blades
- water shield
- water sword
- Water Tribe
- water wraith
- Whenua
- White Quartz Mountains
- widget
- Xa-Kal, Krana
- Xa, Krana
- Xia
- Xi, Kraata-
- Ye, Kraata-
- Yo-Kal, Krana
- Yo, Krana
- Zadakh
- Za-Kal, Krana
- Zakaz
- Za, Kraata-
- Za, Krana
- Zaktan
- Zamor sphere
- Zamor sphere launcher
- Zaria
- Zatth
- Zemya
- Zesk
- Zivon
- Zone of Darkness
- Zone of Nightmares
- Zone of Shadow
- Zyglak
Other Articles
- Agori/Matoran camp
- Alternate Teridax
- Ancient sea Rahi
- Biomechanics
- Botar's Replacement
- Date System
- Disk throwing championship
- False Bohrok
- Glatorian species
- Glatorian system
- Golden-skinned being
- Hero Agori
- Jaller's Hahnah
- Karda Nui swamp
- Keetongu's island
- Keetongu's species
- Krana-Kraata Hybrid
- Legend of Mata Nui
- Legend of the Bohrok
- Legend of the Seventh Toa
- List of Alternate Universes
- List of Creatures
- List of Expressions
- List of Languages
- List of Minor Legends
- List of Minor Locations
- List of Minor Terms
- List of Species
- List of Unnamed Things
- Makuta of Stelt
- Makuta virus
- Nameless Av-Matoran
- Pit mutagen
- Prototype Robot
- Prototype Robot Power Source
- Secret control room
- southern lands
- Stairway to the Chamber of Life
- Sundial
- Takanuva Army
- Ta-Koro Kolhii Stadium
- Telescope
- Teridax's Toa Hagah
- Toa fortress
- Tren Krom's island
- Tribes of Spherus Magna
- Turaga of Mata Nui