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List of Species

Below is a list of species in the Bionicle universe.

Spherus Magna


Relatively short beings with a large population on Spherus Magna, separated into different tribes. Zesk were an altered form of Agori. See Agori.

Glatorian/Great Being species

Relatively tall beings who served as warriors in the Core War and as Glatorian on Bara Magna. Vorox were an altered form of this species. Most of the Element Lords also came from this species. The Great Beings were super-intelligent members of this same species who ruled as scientist-kings of Spherus Magna prior to the Shattering. See Glatorian species and Great Beings.

Bone hunter species

Relatively short beings similar to Agori who lived as dangerous, nomadic raiders on Bara Magna. Distantly related to the Agori of the Rock Tribe. See Bone Hunters.


War-like species living on Spherus Magna. Further sub-divided into different, physiologically distinct classes: warriors, elite warriors, leaders, and females. See Skrall.

Other Species

Spherus Magna (or its components Bara Magna, Aqua Magna, and Bota Magna) was home to many species of plant and animal wildlife. Unlike in the Matoran universe, these creatures were not made of protodermis and reproduced through natural biological means. Like Agori and other intelligent species, many wild animals had mechanical implants designed by the Great Beings integrated into their bodies, giving them a biomechanical appearance.

Certain other beings appeared on Spherus Magna, although it is likely that they were one-of-a-kind rather than part of a species:

Matoran Universe

It is possible that individuals like Axonn, Shadow Stealer, and Hydraxon (who were all members of the Hand of Artakha and therefore created before Mata Nui's awakening) were all members of their own species with multiple members, although they might have only ever existed in small numbers, rather than having dozens of members. It is possible that only small numbers were needed or that the species was not a priority.1

Those species that had not been created before the completion of the Matoran universe were programmed into Mata Nui so he could create them. The exception was Rahi, where the Makuta had the freedom to create what they felt was needed to some extent.2

The Barraki belonged to distinct species that were not seen before their appearance in the story.3 It is possible that members of their species were in the Dark Hunters or Order of Mata Nui.4


Biomechanical, "nanotech" beings created to maintain the giant robotic body of Mata Nui from the inside. Divided into sub-types or "tribes" associated with the different elements. Matoran needed to wear Kanohi masks to remain functional for extended periods of time. See Matoran.


Powerful heroes with elemental powers and the ability to use Great Kanohi masks. Toa were tasked with safeguarding Matoran. Select Matoran transformed into Toa when exposed to the power of a Toa stone. See Toa.


Sage leaders of Matoran communities. Toa transformed into Turaga when they chose to sacrifice their Toa power for some greater purpose. Turaga wore Noble Kanohi masks. See Turaga.


Members of the Brotherhood of Makuta. Extremely powerful beings with the elemental power of shadow, originally charged with creating the Rahi of the Matoran universe. Originally biomechanical, their bodies eventually evolved to a point such that all organic tissue turned into a gaseous form of energy known as antidermis. See Makuta.


General term for non-intelligent wildlife in the Matoran universe translating to "wildlife" or "not us." Most Rahi were designed and created by the Brotherhood of Makuta. Some species of Rahi were actually quite intelligent, such as Krahka, Keetongu, and Tahtorak. See Rahi.


Small, organic creatures serving as the guiding intelligence of the Bohrok. Krana-Kal were an advanced, mutant form of krana controlling the Bohrok-Kal. See Krana and Krana-Kal.


Monstrous twin queens of the Bohrok swarms. See Bahrag.

Krekka's species

Strong, lower-class species native to Stelt. Krekka belonged to this species.

When Brutaka and his team came to a Steltian trader to buy a boat, a crew of large, blue and gray armored bruisers were at work on it.5

Two big, blue warriors guarded the rogue Fe-Matoran's workshop when Mazeka visited Stelt. One of them held a blade. They were described as "warriors," "bruisers," or "brutes."6

Not able to use Kanohi.7

Sidorak's species

Upper-class species native to Stelt. Sidorak belonged to this species. Voporak also originally belonged to this species.8

Voporak came from an island populated by a highly competitive and prideful species. Any time any of them succeeded in building in something, his neighbors would grow jealous and destroy it. This resulted in a land made barren and a culture that bordered on anarchy.9

Probably able to use Kanohi.7

Members of Sidorak's species became influential by being powerful enough to destroy what others made and protect what they had.10


Tall species native to Xia. Vortixx society was dominated by females. Roodaka was the most famous member of this species. See Vortixx.

The Shadowed One's species

Species from an island of "shadows and ice" to which the Shadowed One and the Dark Hunter Ancient belonged.

The Dark Hunters Conjurer and Tyrant also belonged to this species.11, 12

Tyrant and his subjects were all of the same species.13

Sentrakh's species

Possibly not distinct.

Species to which Sentrakh originally belonged.

The Protocairns' original species

According to legend, the Protocairns were once villagers from a land other than Metru Nui who were transformed. Probably Matoran, but not explicitly confirmed.

Lariska's species

Species to which the Dark Hunter Lariska belonged.

This species was distinct from any species known by story year 2007.14

Able to use Kanohi.7

The Recorder's species

Possibly not distinct.

Species to which the Shadowed One's servant known as the Recorder belonged.

Triglax's species

Shape-shifting species to which the Dark Hunter Triglax belonged.


Belligerent species native to the island of Zakaz. Makuta Spiriah tampered with this species, resulting in their gaining powerful special abilities. The Piraka and the warlord Nektann were all members of this species. See Skakdi.

Axonn's species

Powerful species to which the Order of Mata Nui member Axonn belonged.

Brutaka's species

Powerful species to which the Order of Mata Nui member Brutaka belonged. Members of this species had a peculiar affinity to antidermis.

Antidermis couldn't enslave Brutaka's species.15

Brutaka's affinity for antidermis had to do with his particular species.16

As with antidermis, Brutaka's species had some natural resistance to mutation.17

Pit mutagen worked much more slowly on Brutaka's species.18

Botar's species

Large, savage species from the southern islands to which the Order of Mata Nui member Botar and his successor belonged. Members of this species had a powerful teleportation ability. They were also immune to the mutagen in the waters of the Pit.

Airwatcher's species

Flying species to which the Dark Hunter Airwatcher belonged.

Amphibax's species

Amphibious species to which the Dark Hunter Amphibax belonged.

Darkness's species

Species to which the Dark Hunter Darkness belonged.

Dweller's species

Species to which the Dark Hunter Dweller belonged.

Eliminator's species

Species to which the Dark Hunter Eliminator belonged.

Gladiator's species

Huge warrior-slave species native to Stelt, consigned to fight in the arena for the amusement of their masters. The Dark Hunter Gladiator belonged to this species.

Guardian's species

Species from an island wracked by tribal warfare. The Dark Hunter Guardian belonged to this species.

Hordika Dragons' species

Possibly not distinct.

Species to which the mutated Dark Hunters known as the Hordika Dragons originally belonged.

Lurker's species

Species to which the Dark Hunter Lurker belonged.

Mimic's species

Species to which the Dark Hunter Mimic, as well as a female member of his species, belonged.

Poison's species

Species able to spit deadly venom at foes. Strangely, members of this species were vulnerable to their own venom. Hunted nearly to extinction by Matoran. The Dark Hunter Poison belonged to this species.

Primal's species

Members of a savage tribe largely wiped out by the Visorak. The Dark Hunter Primal belonged to this species.

Ravager's species

Unknown species to which a particularly powerful Dark Hunter called Ravager belonged. The Shadowed One searched desperately for others of Ravager's kind.

Seeker's species

Species to which the Dark Hunter Seeker belonged.

Shadow Stealer's species

Species to which the Dark Hunter Shadow Stealer belonged.

Tracker's species

Species to which the mutated Dark Hunter Tracker originally belonged.

Vanisher's species

Species to which the Dark Hunter Vanisher belonged.

Avian species

Species to which a bird-like Dark Hunter belonged.

Silence's species

Possibly not distinct.

Species to which the mutated Dark Hunter Silence originally belonged.

Devastator's species

Species to which the Dark Hunter Devastator belonged, possibly one-of-a-kind.

Vengeance's species

Species to which the Dark Hunter Vengeance belonged.

Kalmah's species

Physically impressive species to which the Barraki Kalmah belonged.

Able to use Kanohi.7

Carapar's species

Physically impressive species to which the Barraki Carapar belonged.

Able to use Kanohi.7

Mantax's species

Physically impressive species to which the Barraki Mantax belonged.

Able to use Kanohi.7

Ehlek's species

Physically impressive, aquatic species to which the Barraki Ehlek belonged. The Order of Mata Nui tampered with this species, giving its members large protosteel claws specifically designed to combat members of the Brotherhood of Makuta.

Takadox recognized members of this species as resembling Ehlek. These water-dwelling beings lived off the coast of Zakaz and were allied with the Order of Mata Nui. Members of this species moved like fish underwater, and their claws could easily tear holes into the hulls of ships. The Order of Mata Nui had specially modified them to kill Makuta.5 Ehlek's species was tampered with by the Order of Mata Nui in an attempt to engineer a race specially designed to combat the Brotherhood of Makuta.19

Able to use Kanohi.7

Ehlek's species lived in cities under the sea.20

Ehlek's entire species lived in the waters around Zakaz.21

Ehlek's species didn't have electricity powers.22

Pridak's species

Physically impressive species to which the Barraki Pridak belonged.

Able to use Kanohi.7

Takadox's species

Physically impressive species to which the Barraki Takadox belonged.

Able to use Kanohi.7

Takadox's hypnosis power came from his species, but his mutation made it stronger.23

Nocturn's species

Extremely strong, amphibious species to which Nocturn belonged. Immune to the mutagen in the waters of the Pit.

Not able to use Kanohi.7

Nocturn was immune to Pit mutagen because of the nature of his species.24

Nocturn's regeneration power was a natural ability of his species.25

Some others of Nocturn's species were as strong as he was.26

Hydraxon's species

Species to which Hydraxon belonged.


Savage reptilian creatures shunned by the rest of civilization, with a violent hatred for other species. Originally created as a by-product of the process the Great Beings used to create Matoran and krana. See Zyglak.

Jerbraz's species

Species to which the Order of Mata Nui member Jerbraz belonged.27

Johmak's species

The species to which the Order of Mata Nui member Johmak belonged. Johmak was ebon-armored and at first glance looked like a Vortixx, but she was of a species that the Toa Mahri had never seen before. Johmak had the ability to cause her body to shatter into crystalline fragments and recoalesce at will.28

Tobduk's species

Species to which Tobduk belonged. These were the original inhabitants of the island later called Visorak. According to Tobduk, it was a simple place where a few of them tried to get by day by day, encountering only a little Rahi trouble now and then. Eventually a Makuta arrived and created the Visorak on the island, then unleashed the Visorak on Tobduk's village to test the Visorak's abilities. Only a few of the villagers survived, making it to Nynrah and then to Stelt.6

Trinuma's species

Species to which the Order of Mata Nui member Trinuma belonged.

Giant four-armed species

Species to which a certain Order of Mata Nui member belonged. This Order agent was a four-armed giant with two long horns coming out of his head.28, 29

Not able to use Kanohi.7


Purple-and-black species living not in the Matoran universe, but in the Red Star. Also found in one of the pocket dimensions attached to the Matoran universe. See Kestora.