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The Zivon was a massive Rahi, well over 30 feet tall, which was known to assist the Visorak hordes in battle. Its head resembled that of a Visorak, but its claws were crablike and its stinger that of a Nui-Jaga. When fighting something of its own size, it would seize its opponent with its claws and then sting repeatedly. Its hard shell protected it from most damage. The Zivon was also capable of shooting webbing from its legs to entangle a foe. The Zivon had four natural Rhotuka launchers as part of its anatomy. Its spinners targeted the senses of a foe, rendering him temporarily blind, deaf, mute, or robbed of the sense of touch. Although these were quite effective, the Zivon preferred physical combat and was rarely seen to use them. The Zivon lived in a dimension of darkness which could only be accessed by the Rhotuka spinners of a Kahgarak. The Zivon was technically an ally of the Visorak, but the hordes did not welcome its appearance. The Zivon considered Visorak to be a delicacy and was known to consume a large portion of the horde in celebration following a victory. After its appearance in Metru Nui, it was unknown if it still survived inside its realm of shadows.1


The Zivon lived in a dimension of perpetual darkness which could be tapped into only by the power of the elite Visorak. When called forth, the Zivon was a fearsome colossus, towering some 35 feet over its Visorak allies. Even the hordes would prefer not to see the Zivon, as it considered the spider creatures a food source and had been known to devour a significant portion of the horde as a victory celebration. The Zivon's mandibles, claws, and stinger made it a destructive foe. It was also capable of shooting webs from each of its six legs.2

The monstrous Zivon aided the Visorak in their conquests, but even the spider creatures feared its approach. In addition to its massive strength and wickedly sharp tail, this creature from the zone of darkness had four Rhotuka spinners that could temporarily blind, deafen, make mute an opponent, or rob a foe of his sense of touch.3

Kahgarak were able to use their Rhotuka spinners to open a gap in the Zone of Shadow, allowing the Zivon to emerge. Kahgarak were the only thing able to send the Zivon back, preventing the Visorak horde from being wiped out by the Zivon's appetite.4

Iruini once suggested targeting Kahgarak after they summoned the Zivon, making it impossible for the Visorak to get rid of the monster. The Rahaga rejected the idea because the Zivon would devastate everything in sight if let loose.4

The Tahtorak's thick hide proved vulnerable to the Zivon's stinger.5

The Zivon was a massive Rahi, well over 30 feet tall. There was only one known specimen. Its natural domain was the Zone of Darkness. This monstrosity's head resembled that of a Visorak, but its claws were crab-like and its stinger similar to that of a Nui-Jaga. When fighting something of its own size, it would seize the enemy in its claws and then sting repeatedly. Its hard shell protected it from most damage. The Zivon was also capable of shooting webbing from its legs to entangle a foe.6

Despite the fact that the Zivon fought alongside the Visorak, the Visorak hated and feared it. It was well known that the Zivon only aided them as a way of protecting its food source, as it fed on Visorak. The Zivon celebrated its victories by consuming half of its allies.6

The Zivon was extremely tough and resistant to harm. Rahaga Norik remarked that it could be thrown the length of a Metru, have a building dropped on it, and be slammed head-first into the found and still come back to fight. Smoke and flame could sometimes slow it down, but not defeat it. According to Norik, there was little one could do about the appearance of a Zivon until the Kahgarak chose to send it back to the Zone of Darkness, and that it was best to move elsewhere in the meantime.6

Only one Zivon existed.7

The Zivon would have been at a disadvantage if it fought Voporak because the effects of the Zivon's Rhotuka would wear out before they hit Voporak.8

Other Information

  • The Zivon combiner was likely Greg Farshtey's favorite official model from 2005.9