The flame sword, also called the fire blade1, was a large, flame-shaped sword used by Ackar.2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 This weapon originally had fire elemental power during the Core War, but it was depleted long before 1 AR.8 The blade of the sword was not actual fire, but metal shaped like flames.9 Like most Glatorian weapons, it had a core of bone or claw.10, 1
Ackar used this sword after his original sword was stolen by Malum. Mata Nui used the Mask of Life to revert the well-worn sword to pristine condition. According to him, this was possible because it contained once-living bone or claw.10, 1, note 1 At the same time, Mata Nui also gave Ackar the elemental power of fire. Mata Nui let Ackar think that he was just restoring the sword's original power, but in reality, he gave Ackar himself the elemental power, and the sword was just the focus.11 Ackar continued to use the sword afterward.
Ackar's Original Sword
Ackar had multiple copies of the flame sword in his home in Vulcanus.10, 12 Ackar originally used a different copy.12 This original one was regarded as a beautiful sword: it also had a flame-shaped blade, it was made of exsidian, and its handle was carved from volcanic rock with Ackar's name written on it.13 Malum stole this sword some time before the events of The Crossing.13, 7 Bone Hunters later stole it and sold it to the Skrall.7 Gresh and Strakk retrieved the sword from Roxtus. Gresh found and destroyed a Skrall tracking device that had been hidden in the handle.13 They later returned it to Ackar.7