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ash bear

Ash bears were large, bear-like Rahi known for their powerful teeth and claws. On Metru Nui, before the Great Cataclysm, a few ash bears were at large in the mountains of Po-Metru, but most specimens were kept in the Archives. On Mata Nui, ash bears were seen in Le-Wahi. The Toa Metru, and later Lewa Nuva, encountered an ash bear named Graalok.


The ash bear was a large ursine creature known for its powerful teeth and claws.1

An ash bear was all teeth and claws. It could move very quickly and let out a fierce roar.2

Ash bears were ursine creatures known for their sharp teeth and claws. On Metru Nui before the Great Cataclysm, a few specimens were at large in the mountains of Po-Metru, and most were in the Archives. After the Great Cataclysm, all became free.3

A mother ash bear was known to be protective of her territory.4

Other Information

  • The Makuta Nui combiner model was used in BIONICLE: Maze of Shadows to depict "Graalok Ash Bear". This was canonically a form of Teridax rather than a depiction of an ash bear because video games didn't take precedence over named models.5