The fin barbs were a pair of weapons that served as Nokama's Toa tools when she was a Toa Hordika.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Although Nokama lacked elemental powers as a Toa Hordika, she could use her fin barbs to charge her elemental water Rhotuka spinner, which could significantly increase the strength of its effects.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 In order to do this, Nokama needed to hold up her fin barbs, launch a Rhotuka spinner from her back, and mentally will it to hover in place in between her fin barbs while they charged the spinner, before releasing it again. It took only a couple of seconds to charge a spinner up significantly.8 Nokama could not charge anything else with her fin barbs other than her own Rhotuka spinners.9, 10 The fin barbs could also dig through most substances5, 6 and aid in climbing2, 5, 6. They could be used for underwater climbing1, 4, 7 and digging1, 7, or rock climbing3.
Nokama's hydro blades mutated into the fin barbs when she was mutated into a Toa Hordika. When Keetongu cured Nokama, the fin barbs turned back into the hydro blades.CN